November 18th Progress Update! Final Animation complete!

Heyo everyone! Completion is so close! This week I have finished off the last of SpunkStock's animations. The final animation was the "Sub" route with Samga. On top of that I also got started on setting up the base of the "route" choosing, and got the music layering all functioning in the scene. The route will be set up in a fairly simple manner. White modifiers will contribute to going the "sub" route, whereas silver and gold modifiers will contribute to going the "dom" route. This technically makes going "Dom" more difficult, but either route will lead you to completing the game.

With that, all that is left is setting up the final score screen, and tying together the ending scenes(which is primarily done from previous weeks).

Alright everyone! That should cover this week, I'll catch you all next week with (hopefully) the final active "development" update of SpunkStock before completion. (To clarify, I am hoping to have the game completed by December 1st. The month of December will be dedicated to getting through Steam review process, getting distribution in order for Patrons, and going through the final stages of bugtesting.) 


Get SpunkStock: Music Festival v0.12 Demo


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Good luck!


Wow, can't believe that release are so soon, ya'll going fast!
Good luck with steam release  ヽ(・∀・)ノ