November 4th Progress Update! Neutral animation complete.

Heyo everyone! Reporting in for this week's progress! There isn't too much to put in to words, as this week is the animation grind.

Over the last week I have completed Samga's 1st phase animations. This is the Hscene you will start the final boss on. There are 4 variants within this scene to ease into the dom/sub route the player chooses. 2 dom variants, and 2 sub variants. Once you get through the variants you will be brought to a whole new scene. Depending on the route you choose, you will either be led to the main sub scene, or the main dom scene.

This upcoming week I will be moving straight on to the main "player dom" scene. I will be breaking it up, meshing, and rigging it up. Hopefully I will be able to get a start on animating before next week's post, but we will see.

On a previous post I teased the concept for the final boss theme having several customizable stems. Wishful Simping is getting close to finishing up the last of the character's stems for the theme.

All in all, progress is looking good, but there is still a lot to get through, so without further ado, I will get back to the animation process! Thanks for stopping by! Catch you all next week.


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