October 7th Progress Update! v1.0 Construction begins!

Hey everyone! With v0.16 completed, we move on to the next build. This build just so happens to be v1.0! The final build to SpunkStock leading to it's release. I have mentioned that the game is projected to be completed, and release in December. While the game is still projected to be completed in December, this could technically mean a January release depending on how aspects of distribution fairs (like Steam review processes and such).

As for a progress report for this week, there will not be much to actively show. The last week consisted of hotfixes for v0.16, putting together the plan for v1.0's production, writing out all the potential "endings" for each character, and setting up the scene for the ending rolls.

What's to come in v1.0? The final boss, Samga. The final boss will consist of 3 Hscene animations. There will be a neutral, sub, and dom animation. The player will begin in neutral, and at a point will need to decide to go the sub route, continue on neutral, or go dom route. The difficulty may vary depending on the route chosen, and it will also effect the ending between you and Samga.

Another neat thing that I will be talking about later is her song. Wishful Simping and I have been discussing her theme for a bit now. I will be sure to bring more info on it as it starts coming together.

Thanks for sticking with us in this final push! We are getting close.


Get SpunkStock: Music Festival v0.12 Demo


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I can i just buy it now?
Also which version would you suggest for the full release?

The game is not for sale yet, no. The current page in itch.io is just for the demo. The full game is projected to be completed in December, with likely a January release. (I am currently working on the final build of the game). The full game will be sold on Itch.io(on a separate page), and Steam for $14.99 USD (prices may vary depending on region for Steam)

we will need to play from beginning?

In the full release of the game, progress will start from 0 again, yes.

The save system will be changing to have save files. Another big reason for changing is that the game has gone through a lot of balance changes through it's development. Some rewards may be harder or easier to get in the final version. This way everyone has a level playing field.

Hey regulus, I have a question, ¿How much will cost the game?

Heyo! The game is projected  for $14.99 USD on Itch.io, and on Steam (The price may vary on Steam depending on region.)

thanks bro

hey, no problem bro