February 28th Progress Report! Sidestep in Plans. More UI and Ability changes

Heyo everyone! There was a bit of a change of plans for this progress report. I have sidestepped from Tanya's Hscene, and used this week to implement some more of the new UI along with a couple other things.

The UI has been updated for:

>Party Select


>Brothel screen


I also was tinkering with a new defensive option. This option would replace the barrel roll if equipped. The player will quickly teleport left or right depending on which direction you press. This option is great for when you need to close gaps to reach enemies, avoiding obstacles, and certain enemy attacks.

It will likely struggle a bit more against consistent enemy fire however, as it technically has no deflecting properties like the barrel roll. There is still definitely some polish to do on this move, but it should be ready to go in the upcoming version.

Anyways... that pretty much sums up this week. Next week will either be tackling Tanya's 4th, or doing a bit more on the new UI/new features.

I'll catch you all then, thanks again for checking in!


Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]

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