May 31st Progress Report! Last report before v0.8 launch!

Heyo everyone! Here with the last progress report before the build launch tomorrow. Good news is a finished up all the last stuff on the to-do list, and got a few extra things done.

-I finished up the remaining things with Hscene animations,

-polished up and fixed the remaining bugs on the Molbon2 Boss

-I added the function to skip intro cutscenes

-Fixed another laser collision issue. (Likely most apparent on Titas and Molbon1 boss

-Rebalanced Bronze, Silver, and Gold amounts per level.

-Rebalanced Affinity amounts, and some store costs.

There were several other small things, but I'll save the post bloat(We'll save that for the Changelog because it is quite large this time around), and say the build is all ready to go for the launch on the 1st. Catch you all then!


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