March 29th Progress Update! Save System change, and Rooster's abilites

Heyo everyone! This week was mostly cramming the final wrap up and loose things together, along with putting in Rooster's abilites.

Another thing I was putting together was a way to transition saves. As I may have mentioned previously, v0.7 will be bringing a new save system, as the previous one was causing issues for many people. In this version you "may" attempt to load your pre-v0.7 data like before (which will then be converted to the new system automatically). For those who had no issues with saves between versions, this transition should be completely seamless. For those who DID have issues, the results could vary from only some data being carried over to no data at all.

I was initially going to reset the saves completely for the implementation of the new save system, but I figured I'd give people at least a chance to salvage their save data haha.

Anyways! I'll catch you guys on the 1st for the v0.7 Patreon launch. Thanks!


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