September 27th Progress Report! v0.10 Build Wrap Up!

Heyo everyone! Last progress report of v0.10 here. This week was entirely focused on build wrap up. I am happy to say the checklist is completed, with a bit extra too! Tomorrow I am still going to do my final play test, but everything is good to go for the SubStar/Patreon launch on the 1st!

I'll keep things a bit brief on here, as there was a lot of stuff actually tackled this week.

-Implemented a new theme for Pearlus2

-Added cum states, and animations to all 3 animations, with applicable variants (X-ray on 1st brothel scene etc.)

-Made some finishing touches to the UI in new Hscenes for unique brothel mechanics.

-Added the final sequences to Nova's boss fight in Catiya 2. (Some explodes and flare to make things a little more cinematic, and exciting.)

-I had to make some further adjustments to the IK I had in Aether2, but everything is working great now.

-Tying up all of the scenes (Putting them in the Gallery/Hscene room, and how to come across them normally).

-Aether's brothel Hscenes are accessed via the Shop Menu under "Offer Services"

-Aether x Nova scene is going to be the Game Over screen if you are defeated as Female Aether. (You do not have to lose in order to see this. It is always available to view in the Hscene room as long as you have female Aether unlocked). (Yes, I would like to have a Game Over screen for Male Aether as well at some point).

One other thing I did was experiment with a method to change Aether's color (to be reflected in conversation, and in all Hscenes). This can give some fun customization, as well as allow people to apply more human colors if they want a bit more of a self-insert. While the function will not be available in v0.10, I have found a practical way to do this, and I will likely push for it in v0.11.

Anyways! Thanks everyone for keeping up! I'll catch you all on the 1st for the SubStar/Patreon launch of v0.10!


Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]

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