September 20th Progress Report! New Brothel Mechanic!

Heyo everyone! This week was entirely dedicated to new features. Unfortunately the brothel mechanics actually took me a bit longer than I was expecting. I was hoping to cover a couple other planned features, but I suppose they can wait! I'll report about the brothel mechanics at least! 

In between missions, Aether will have 100 stamina that they can (optionally) spend at the brothel. While Aether has stamina, they can get credits from their clients. (Both brothel scenes will run off the same stamina bar.) 

The brothel scenes will be mini-games of sorts (being slightly different depending on the scene you choose), but if you run out of Stamina, you can continue to play around with the Hscene freely, you just won't receive any credits or reputation after that. 

You will replenish your Stamina upon completing any mission and reaching the Score screen. 

That should pretty much sum this week up. With the base of the brothel mechanics done up, it comes down to build wrap-up. There is actually quite a bit to do in this wrap up, so I hope the week goes well ahhaa. Anyways! I'll catch you all next week, thanks for sticking around everyone! 


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Will there be futa versions of any of these scenes with female Aether?


It's not planned, and I would say is unlikely, but not impossible.


"brother mechanic"? Talk about a typo instead of some incest thing, lol

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

LOL oops... thanks for the heads up.