May 24th Progress Update! v0.8 Build Wrap Up.

Heyo everyone! This week was all about build round-up. There is still a decent amount to do unfortunately, so I will have a bit of a busy upcoming week. There isnt a whole lot of stuff to show, as there wasn't really anything "new" just finishing off/patching up previous stuff.

A quick rundown is basically:

-Script adjustments to play emotion animations for 2 characters in conversations,

-Aether's phallic and nipple color is now pink, not dark green.

-Implementing ways to review Event scenes

-Animation/button progression in Hscenes

-Finishing cum animations for Hscenes

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you next week for the v0.8 Patreon/Subscribestar Launch!

Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]

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