December 8th Progress Report! Neos Starts!

Heyo everyone! Here again with the next progress report! With v0.5 out to Patrons, development on v0.6 has started. This level features the new catgirl and the new planet: Neos.

Neos' level is a neon city, and this week was dedicated to laying out the groundwork of the map. Aesthetic, obstacle placements, and routing.

Next week is going to be focussed on implementing all of the enemies. I will make note though, that the progress update next week will likely be on Tuesday, as I will be away for a week due to personal reasons.

Thanks everyone, and I'll catch you all then!


Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]


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Ohh the city looks really cool! Looking forward to playing that level!

Having played the demo, I can say I'm in love with what's available as of now. I can't wait to see what this turns into.


I haven't played much of this game yet, just the first level but I want to commend y'all for how much progress you've been making in a short amount of time. Smallish indie games but especially NSFW games unfortunately are often abandoned or stuck in pre-beta hell. I look forward to playing more of this