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How can I play the latest versions of SpunkStock?

The latest version is only available through Patreon at the moment. It is currently on v0.15. If that is not an option for you, then the full game is projected to release here, and on Steam in December. ^^


Thanks I'm going to buy the patreon subscription :D

cool! ill def buy it when its on steam, cool game!!

(1 edit)

Probably ill do the same, this game is fucking awesome


Thanks everyone! ^.^

Do you plan o releasing an android version?


An android version is possible, but not necessarily confirmed. Once the game is completed I will be looking over things to determined the practicality of doing an android version.


also how do you get Fufu anal? I tried everything I could think of


You should be able to do it on your 2nd run of the base scene. (There are 2 buttons on the top right during the modifier select.)

I believe in this version Anal cannot be done during her Endurance mode.



can you add a samga boobjob


I'll give you a hard "maybe" on that one :P.

Anyone have any tips on how to get past the yu and mei boss

Yu and Mei boss is not in the v0.12 demo present here, but if you are playing v0.15, then the most important thing to beating Yu and Mei is stacking "Blessings" by selecting them on Mei's side. You can complete Mei as many times as you like, and if you want you can even stack 9 of them, and you will block all of Yu's curses on her side.

You got my wishlist on steam this is lit, wish I knew about this sooner would have supported from the ground up.

Thanks! Glad to have you on board :).

(1 edit) (-1)

i love this game, im waiting the game in steam

Thanks a ton ^^. The full release shouldn't be too much longer now!



100% demo, enjoy game as i did and pls dont ask me why i have done this

(1 edit) (+1)

I have 100% completed the demo also, but every single time I had tried to delete the save data and/or game data, it had still stayed. Do you have any idea of how I could? I know that there are save codes, but could not find any with 0%. Please help

The "Reset Progress" button did not clear the save at all? Hmmm.. that's odd.


how much percentage is the development at rn? just wanna know, ty


I would say roughly 85-90% complete. We are currently working on the 2nd last build.^^


any news on when it'll go up on steam?

The projected month is December. There are a few variables though depending on how closing out the game goes.

The page is up (but I'm assuming you are asking about a proper release date).


Is there a possibility you could make this mobile? 🙏 This game is really good 

It's possible, but hard to say for sure. Once the game is completed for PC, I will be looking back over the game, and gauge the practicality of doing a proper mobile port. Glad you've enjoyed it so far ^^.



My save code, do what you want with it but id recommend playing the game too.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks a ton! glad you enjoyed the demo ^^.

how to get Faye? :(


You must finish Yoni's base scene, which will give you access to the "Under the stage" segment. Completing this will lead you to Faye! Good Luck ^^.

(1 edit) (+1)

nice game, it made me bust a move while having a hard boneronger a really hard bonodokeroo. anyway how long has the game been in development so that i can wait for the official release, will this game be free tho if may i ask.

also give ruth pink nipples


The first build(v0.1) was release in March of 2021. The full game is aiming to be released before the end of this year though. The full game will not be free, no. It will be sold on Steam and here on ^^ Glad you enjoyed the demo.

just a question: i already bought the game here on, becasue in germany it's not available on steam ... will i still get the full version later, or do i have to pay it again?

and when i think, you deserve more money, becasue the game is good (and it is good) how can i give you more money here? i don't have patreon ...


Unfortunately this is just the free demo page, and the option to pay is purely donation. When the game is completed, a new page will be put up on for the full version of the game for sale.

At the moment, Patreon is the only way to gain access to the latest builds of the game.

That being said, the game is quite close to completion. The estimation is that it will be completed, and up here on, and on Steam in December. The target price on these platforms will be $14.99 USD.

Thanks a ton for the support ^^.  I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The artstyle isn't something I'm usually into. I don't know what exactly to call it, but I think people call it "cartoon porn." I was mostly pulled in by the gameplay, and it's pretty good. I'm not really familiar with rhythm games, but it seems like this idea of a "pulse" game is novel.

Of course, looking at the style for a while, you get into it. It's hard to pick faves, but bunny and demon girl are high on the list. I liked the cum animation for Boba. Shaking orgasms look so cool!

I find it interesting that the main girl has vitiligo. It seems this condition is getting a lot of awareness lately. I wonder how much of that is because of Michael Jackson.

I initially quit this game early on because the comic seemed kinda rapey, but that turned out to not be a major aspect of the game. The Hscene for Faye and the vibrator bit for Boba were a bit sus though.

When Ayra said to "watch your back" when coming into her tent, I was getting kinda excited for pegging :o

 I also got excited for when Faye said "I'll show YOU what it's like to be stuck in that contraption." Sadly, neither came to pass umu

I didn't expect the Igor minigame to be so exhilarating! Of course, I got everything in Yu's shop. I think the woman transmog looks a lil too different from the base character, but I guess that fits with the other transmogs.

The Samga pinups were good, especially the 69 one, almost makes it look like 69ing would work xd

Finally, I have a question. I'm trying to finish everything (which I do with every game with collectables), and I was wondering what those sperm cell indicators are. There's little balls in the bottom right of each character's icon on the fast travel menu. Some are filled in white, some are grey with a red x, and some are missing. What does this indicate?

(btw can't wait for the official release!)

Heyo! Glad you had fun with it, and thanks for coming back around after your first try early on ahaha.

The spermy flag doesn't really have much function in the demo. It essentially flags that they are impregnated. (It's usually gotten from doing their endurance mode). It will likely just effect endings.

If it is grey with an "X" through it, it means you cannot get the icon at all. Samga1 is crossed off because it is achieved from Samga2. Faye is crossed out simply because she has no endurance mode.

If there is no icon then it means you are able to get it, but you have not gotten it yet.

I do want to rework the indicators in a future update as I do agree it's unclear.

Deleted 56 days ago

Yeah, she isn't necessarily a part of the "core roster" being a cross over character. It's unlikely there will be more with her unfortunately. The last things on the list to do are already a bit pressing for time.

Is the music in game dmca free, and if is could someone use the music in a youtube video or stream?

Yeah, depends on the context of it's use, but you're more than welcome to have it on your music playlist while streaming, ya. ^^.

Awesome, thanks for lasting me fam


I don't usually like rhythm games but the art style was so special I gave it a go. Great decision as this game was a blast. 

(1 edit) (+1)

really ... why is diz game not availabe on steam in germany? ...

i really like it :3

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately (from my understanding) Steam does not sell adult games in Germany. Even if I wanted to, it is just.. not an option :(.

That being said, the game will be on sale here on as well when the game launches.

(1 edit)

shame ...

i already bought it. good work should be paid :3

keep on diz good work ~

can someone help me why i cant invite toro ?

i already beat her and even get SS but still cant invite her to home

You need to finish her Endurance before being able to invite her over (Her Endurance mode can be started by following certain dialogue trees with her after completing her base scene).

Future versions have a better tracking and hints system to give better directions to find all the scenes.


Also great game 👍

(1 edit) (+1)

i LOVE this game. went and Double S'd every girl. Ruth definitely made me work for it, but she's one of the best tracks anyway!

One major criticism though: The "Double" modifier should NOT be in cut time. It's more then enough of a challenge to have to split your focus between two bars - but also doubling the amount of notes you have to hit on top of that turns it in to the only modifier that's an auto-skip for me no matter what. Which is a real shame, because Fission, Hold, and Mine are amazing and really fun to put together in the same endurance run.

Other then that, looking forward to buying the full release! This game grows on you fast, it's really something special.

The game is very good

This is the game archive:



Really liked the way this game is made, I enjoyed it a lot! even if its a demo went for 100% completion. Looking forwards for new updates and maybe ill look at your patreon.

(1 edit)

Very good game :)


I discovered this game on Newgrounds and absolutely loved it, the way the characters moved and the music. The last version I played before this was the Future Fragments crossover and while, at the time, I found the platforming section rather frustrating, I still really enjoyed it. Now playing this full public demo, I'm happy to say that I still love it. I don't suppose, perchance, that the game's soundtrack could be purchased somewhere? I really dig Mei's theme.

(1 edit)

Right now the v0.12 soundtrack is available on Youtube, though it is not available for purchase at the moment.

Once the game is completely we will likely be putting the OST up for sale on other avenues.

Glad you enjoyed it ^^. The platformer section has changed a good amount since then


This is such a good game in general, not to mention the fact that the songs slap harder than anyone would expect from a lewd rhythm game. In love with the art style as well! Keep it up!

<3 Thanks a bunch!

How much will it more or less cost? Gotta prepare the money for steam

I have not officially announced the price of the game yet. I said I would announce it soon, but I still kinda.. haven't, so I'll just say here, the target price at the moment is $14.99 USD. (It may vary on steam depending on your local currency). That said, this does have a small chance of changing, but that is what it will most likely be.

Thanks for the info

Will v.13/v.14 come out for everyone or do we have to be on patron to get the new versions?


At the moment, Patreon is the only way to get early access to the new builds while the game is in development. The full game will release on Steam, and Itch for purchase later this year. There is a chance that I will open an Early Access on Steam for recent versions in the future though.
That being said v0.12 is the full "Free public demo".

Can you make a Andriod Version pls🙏

an Android version is not necessarily confirmed, but it is definitely something I will be looking at when the game is complete.

Have looked at it on the mobile phone is in my opinion a good game would like to be able to play it on my phone I love this game keep going so hope that you will get more games on the Andriod 🥰

(2 edits) (+1)

tips for new players:
1: either count THROUGH the part where there are no notes, or count 3/4 and then 4/4 for the first bar. no songs in the game deviate from this rule to my knowlege
2: you need to be actually perfect to get SS's. don't be mad if you aren't progress through the game and then go back. also don't try and get SS's on faye and fufu until you have all the other characters because god is this shit 140 bpm or what
2.5: fuck you ruth i spent 20 minutes on your shit
3: shopkeeper #1 change my mind.

mine is the easiest modifier that makes it harder, except for doom. doom should have no effect on you.


can you provide a save code?  Love the art but Im bad at rythym games.

just got an SS on endurance mode w/ 3 tempos i am a god

The game was great! The art and animation are Awesome, Modifiers are a neat idea, The soundtrack is a banger, And the Girls are sexy as hell. FuFu is definitely my favorite, God I LOVE that car scene! 

Definitely gonna play when the full game comes out.

Fufu is definitely underrated ;). Thanks! Every day we are getting closer!

I love it! Great music, fun game concept and lovely visuals. Take my Patreon money and keep up the great work! ;)

Thanks a ton ^^. I appreciate the support!


Never knew playing a rythm game with one hand was so hard.

Approximately what percentage of the game is in the demo?


Of what the full game will be? maybe 60%?

Should I buy it?


The full game will not be completed until later this year. The actual price is not yet determined. 

If you played the demo, and enjoyed it, then I'd say yes (When it comes out) ^^.

If it asks for a price when you try to download the demo on itch right now, it is completely optional. You can skip it, and download the demo for free. (it's for optional donation towards development).

(1 edit) (+1)

I found a bug where in the beginning when before you talk to Samga, you can walk past where Fufu's car should be and leave the map. Other than that small detail, I absolutely love this game and can't wait for more content to come out!


Oh wow, your right. That collider is actually linked to Fufu's presence... huh.. thanks for the report ^^. Glad you enjoyed the game!

Will this cost money when this is completed?


Yes, the full game will be on sale here, and on Steam when it is completed. The exact price has not been determined yet though.

I'll be back if this gets a apk once it's complete

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