Really good game, just PISSES me off, but anger issues tend to do that lol, I really liked the animation, it's that kind of quality you really don't see in a free game like this, absolutely stunning, however, I do think the timings of the song should be a bit more lenient, like I had to try 30 TIMES on Faye's song before being able to beat it, then I didn't have the energy to try and beat the devil girl (Forgot lmao), all in all, I would recommend this game, but only to intermediate-expert rhythm game players, I'm fairly new, so when I saw the single line and only a simple beat on the screenshot, I thought it'd be easy, and when I got to the devil girl's song... WHOOO BOY was I wrong.
I don't know if Glass modifiers were a thing when you made your comment, but they definitely are now. I'm not even good at rhythm games but I SS-ranked everything using only Glass (on normal levels, not endurance). It's pretty forgiving as long as you actually manage to get the circles.
Well, it just depends on what you get. I most of the time get the hardest fucking addons and get shit on by the end. I'm not mad, I just wish there was like, a difficulty slider or selection. Something.
...there are rerolls available for the 2nd and 3rd tiers (of normal levels), lol. Just reroll until Glass becomes an option. It only costs like 200 Rep (the heart currency).
Well, I sucked before, but I actually managed to beat Ruth. I did it first try today and I was so happy. Yeah I just needed to get gud lmao I had no idea what I was talking about I was just upset lol.
Wait, your problem was simply trying to BEAT the levels? This game is lenient enough I didn't imagine that could be the issue (and more relevantly, I somehow managed to completely miss reading that in your comment, my bad), but yeah, when it comes to that, you really do just need to be fast enough and maybe roll a few decent (or just effectively null) perks.
I created an account just to tell you how I much enjoyed this game. I play Expert on Guitar Hero and SS Ruth still took me several tries, even with Glass. Just had to "get good" and I did! Got the full game SS.
I really like how you can create some pretty hard challenges for yourself depending on what cards you take in Endurance Mode. Doom+only Rituals is pretty interesting. So is Double+Fission and stacking Tempo can get crazy. Ghost+Fission or Mines is just about impossible though. The music is good as well.
The card system and Endurance Mode adds replayability. The fast travel and save code system is a nice quality of life feature. I'm sure some players would like a save file system that writes to the game (or cookies for the browser version) but this save file system works for me as I want to play in browser and I block cookies.
The platforming and the Haunted Hall and Boba minigames were a welcome surprise. Haunted Hall could probably be a game in itself with more levels and other additions. There is a typo in Tonn's dialogue "Try Hauted Hall"
Some things I would like to see in the game, (maybe after full game SS or Endurance modes beaten) an autoplay mode (to enjoy the art to the beat, like Cock Hero. The art is really good by the way,) also the ability to select which cards can show up, and/or a preselect menu to manually select what power-ups happen at what point in the song so the player doesn't need to keep re-rolling. (For before post-game, the reroll mechanic is good though.) That one would have to be after full game SS for game balancing purposes. I also would love to try an all Ritual challenge with being able to manually limit the randomized effects. (Mainly looking for an all negative effects challenge.) I noticed that cards only appear once you beat the song the cards first show up from, is Ritual limited in same way to cards that have been unlocked? I'm also hoping we would get some scenes with the Reaper and woman transmogs with the rest of the characters.
Another suggestion: I found the Yoni's missing parts section confusing and looked literally everywhere. (I'm not even exaggerating. I checked everything in the overworld, inside every tent, every garbage can, every cooler, every chair, and even everywhere inside Haunted Hall and the platforming section.) Now that I know where the parts actually were, it turns out I had them early on. I just never went back to Yoni because I didn't think I had them yet. I recommend having a message in the location where the parts actually are. Something like, "you find some unusual parts." Maybe also show them in an inventory and/or if you picked them up before Yoni asks you, you could respond with something and just hand them to her.
This is one of the most fun rhythm games I've played. Almost as good as some of the major titles out there. Who did the artwork and where can I find more? Are all of the characters created by the same person? Do they have other things out of game? Is there somewhere to go for more comics? A credits section on the main menu answering these questions and whoever did the music (edit: Wishful Simping, I just went to your Youtube Channel, which I only knew about from this comments section, you should also add that in the credits.) would be good.
>The save system isn't permanent, and will only exist while the game is in production. I will likely be changing the save system for the final version. Data does save without the code, but it will not transfer between new versions(which is why the code exists).
>I appreciate the typo report. It's tough proof reading sometimes >.<
>Sandbox mode is there so you can watch the animations without the pressure of the game. (Unless you mean something else when you mean "auto play")
>There will be some features I will be looking to add for post-game content. Though exactly what aren't really confirmed yet. There are some neat ideas though.
>Ritual will only pull from available modifiers, yes. So it should not be able to proc anything you have not unlocked.
>There are currently no plans to have transmogs actually have scenes, but if there's enough interest it might be possible.
>I'll take note of the Yoni questline clarity. It's using a pretty outdated system that I should take a look at anyways.
>The credits are in the Project description here on under "SpunkStock Team" along with links to their twitter. Credits in-game would be a good add though, ya. AmHidden did the art for all of the girls, along with their designs.
By "autoplay" I meant showing the beat meter on screen automatically hitting the notes. That would allow for a "hands free" experience allowing you do to some other things with your hands to the beat displayed on screen. You may or may not be familiar with the game "Cock Hero" or "Fap Hero" for the animated version. If you aren't familiar, I highly suggest looking it up. One video should give you the idea of what I am talking about. Most have the rules listed at the beginning of the video. It's a pretty simple concept. With such an autoplay feature, scoring would have to be disabled when it is in use so that players can't use it to cheat.
After finding the Female Transmog scene in the Haunted Hall, I became really curious about any other transmog easter eggs. I'd love to see some of those in the future, I'm surprised more people aren't asking about them ^~^
Amazing game btw, just about to 100% the current public build ;)
Hmm unfortunately on itch's browser version I don't think there is a way to bring the save over if you didn't copy the save code, as the old version is overwritten. If you used the download version last time, the data should transfer automatically though.
Awesome Game Man! I just Finished the Whole Game on SS Difficulty. Still need some unlocks tho from the Haunted Hall, but i look forward what will come.
They currently do not, it is not well communicated through the game. In a future build I make sure to mark characters that don't have endurance to help save some of the players time in that regard.
Unfortunately it's one of the reasons I was reluctant to release a Linux version, as I am very unfamiliar with how the operating system works. As a result I'm not able to help with troubleshooting. It bugs me quite a bit. Sorry I can't really help. :(
I love the game and the animations are just ace. Awesome! Also thanks for removing the last gravity bridge, this section was actually nice this time around.
I have a suggestion for the platforming part: higher jumpspeed+higher gravity with maybe gravity manipulation past the jump apex. That would remove the floaty feel from the platforming section. I know fudging the numbers at this point can be risky or impossible but give it a try.
honestly the rhythm segments are fun but trying to get 100% for the ss rank can be BRUTAL, especially with freya as the whole thing inverts and even if you have perfect rhythm it counts the next note as ok, and the one against the succubus is so fast that it's hard to even get past the first bit without getting an ok, is there any tips on how to get all ss rank?
Faye and Ruth are generally the toughest to SS. The best tip I can give right now is to use Glass, and barrier. That being said a lot of the time the tough part is the section of the song prior to getting any modifiers. SS isn't meant to be something to be attained really easily. (hence why the rewards for such aren't very crucial to the game)
That being said, in v0.10 I am currently working on a system in which you can purchase a "charm" that allows you to start songs with a modifier right out the gate to help give that leeway for the first portion of the song.
that would make that segment SO MUCH EASIER, because i kept getting one hit during a perfect combo at the startand it always caused me to have to restart, even though i had gotten in the rythem itself
Love the concept of the game, and genuinely enjoyed the gameplay. The platforming? It's just.. aggravating. Those gravity bridges took long enough to get past that I simply lost interest in bothering with anything else. If they were easier, it'd be fine. If the difficulty was maintained and you could checkpoint between the three bridges, that'd also be... palatable. But having to jump back onto a previous bridge to quickly flip, while being offbeat and therefore risking missing the flip? It's too time consuming.
Tl;dr, I love the game! My only complaint is the same one as everyone else: fuck the gravity bridges. Keep up the good work!
EDIT: I thought about it for a bit, and also figured I'd add that it feels like the switches on the bridge are just ever so slightly off. I failed quite a few times while learning the bridges due to, for most of the first bridge, hitting the switches as soon as you reach them works and is *almost* on beat. So maybe the spacing could change? I don't know, thats really a grain of salt critique. I could try to elaborate more, but for all I know, it's more of a 'me' problem.
Great game and artwork! I am not sure how to unlock Samga and Faye's endurance runs. Are those hidden secret things or not in there yet? Thanks and keep up the great work.
You aren't missing anything. They aren't in the game at the moment. Samga's Endurance will come in the future though. It would be nice to get an endurance for Faye, though I can't say for sure if she will get one atm. Thanks for playing ^^.
It shows that you have completed all 3 rounds of their endurance. At the moment, completing endurance only furthers progression for a couple characters. (It also implies the girls are "impregnated". However that fact will likely only have an effect on the ending of the full game.)
As for the lag, I am doing my best to keep it manageable, but the game is definitely getting to a stage where there is a lot happening in 1 given Hscene for a browser game. The downloaded version should be more forgiving in that reguard.
In general there will be about 11 characters in the main public free demo. Once they are out, the game will continue development with 4 more characters(these 4 being quite a bit more in depth, and can be labeled as "boss" characters), along with additional Hscenes for the existing cast.
Exactly how many more Hscenes is still undetermined.
like the game but could use a easy
/normal/hard setting the first song starts out with way to many rapping clicks for being the first song. kinda makes me think of guitar hero and rock band. but them are a hole lot easier starting at the beginning unlike this. just a suggestion. for people with bad reaction time it would make getting into the game more enjoyable.
fun game. the platforming part moves a touch to fast to be enjoyable. and by a touch i mean irritatingly so. If it takes someone more then 30 minutes to pass a part of an obstacle something is wrong.
As builds come out I'll keep an eye on feedback and plug away with adjustments for the platform part. It will likely see a few changes before the game's completion.
You know... I initially thought it wasn't necessary with the game being playable in browser... but thinking on that now... what I thought makes absolutely no sense. I'll add some screen shots when I get the chance here ahaha... Thanks for the suggestion lol.
During endurance you can stack cards with multipliers for an efficient way to farm for Reputation for the shop. (It goes through 3 loops stacking all modifiers gained. It is possible you experienced it ending after a single loop which is an uncommon bug which has since been fixed... i believe.)
Completing endurance will also flag the girl as "impregnated" (seen by the white smile by their icon in the menu) . At the moment this flag does nothing, but it will likely have an effect on endings in the full game.
This is amazing! The gameplay, artwork and animations are fantastic! Can't wait for the next update! If earlier update dates are something to go off of, it looks like there's just a few days left! :D
I see a lot of potential in this. The animations are nice, the characters are cute and sexy, the gameplay starts off pretty simple like the goal is to just be a human metronome, but with extra modifiers it can make the rhythm gameplay a lot more complex and challenging but often rewards you with more points to buy pin-ups.... Could use more content obviously, but this is a very nice beginning to a sexy little game here.
Also I just gotta say.... Samga is best girl. This Vitiligo cutie lives rent free in my heart now and she needs more love in this game (I'm mostly referring to how she and Pika do not have Endurance H-Scenes). I was thrilled when I went to the shop and saw basically all the things there were sexy pin-ups of her! Pika is smoking hot as well. The other two are nice but I feel they are more easily outshined imo, plus they need more smut of them in the shop.
Pica and Samga will have endurance modes in the future. There are many more characters to come (actually today's update brought 2 more if your interested in checking that out :P). Thanks for playing ^^ glad you enjoyed.
Hmm that's unusual. Only thing I can think of is that the game's state will completely pause while you are clicked out of the game... but if you are definitely in the game, and it does this, then I am not sure. Mind if I asked what browser you are on? (In worst case scenario I would recommend the download version.)
Hmmm... alright, thanks for letting me know. I'm not too familiar with the actual app, but I will look into it a bit more when I have some time here.
it has issues regarding Play speed. it randomly slows down mid-song, etc.. I know it is not computer-related due to trying it on both my laptop (GTX 1660) and my custom-built desktop (RTX 2060) both more than capable of running it. (edit) I am not sure why, but after I use Cheat-engine to speed the game up and then revert it back to normal speed it fixed it..?
Hmmm... was this on the PC version, or the browser version? I mayyy have some ideas on what it could be, but I haven't heard much of this from others yet. I'll keep note of it though. Thanks for letting me know.
okay, so I think it may have been a separate issue regarding ram, it was the downloaded version. But after i cleared my ram cache, reset computers, etc, I had not had the same issue and could not re-create it, so it may have been a freak coincidence that it happened on both computers.
The exact amount could vary quite a lot depending on how the game develops. This initial vague scope is around 15 characters though. 1 new character will come every month. (Toto will be coming in about 1 week). Thanks for playing :D, and I hope you continue to enjoy it as builds come.
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Really good game, just PISSES me off, but anger issues tend to do that lol, I really liked the animation, it's that kind of quality you really don't see in a free game like this, absolutely stunning, however, I do think the timings of the song should be a bit more lenient, like I had to try 30 TIMES on Faye's song before being able to beat it, then I didn't have the energy to try and beat the devil girl (Forgot lmao), all in all, I would recommend this game, but only to intermediate-expert rhythm game players, I'm fairly new, so when I saw the single line and only a simple beat on the screenshot, I thought it'd be easy, and when I got to the devil girl's song... WHOOO BOY was I wrong.
I don't know if Glass modifiers were a thing when you made your comment, but they definitely are now. I'm not even good at rhythm games but I SS-ranked everything using only Glass (on normal levels, not endurance). It's pretty forgiving as long as you actually manage to get the circles.
Well, it just depends on what you get. I most of the time get the hardest fucking addons and get shit on by the end. I'm not mad, I just wish there was like, a difficulty slider or selection. Something.
...there are rerolls available for the 2nd and 3rd tiers (of normal levels), lol. Just reroll until Glass becomes an option. It only costs like 200 Rep (the heart currency).
Well, I sucked before, but I actually managed to beat Ruth. I did it first try today and I was so happy. Yeah I just needed to get gud lmao I had no idea what I was talking about I was just upset lol.
Wait, your problem was simply trying to BEAT the levels? This game is lenient enough I didn't imagine that could be the issue (and more relevantly, I somehow managed to completely miss reading that in your comment, my bad), but yeah, when it comes to that, you really do just need to be fast enough and maybe roll a few decent (or just effectively null) perks.
I created an account just to tell you how I much enjoyed this game. I play Expert on Guitar Hero and SS Ruth still took me several tries, even with Glass. Just had to "get good" and I did! Got the full game SS.
I really like how you can create some pretty hard challenges for yourself depending on what cards you take in Endurance Mode. Doom+only Rituals is pretty interesting. So is Double+Fission and stacking Tempo can get crazy. Ghost+Fission or Mines is just about impossible though. The music is good as well.
The card system and Endurance Mode adds replayability. The fast travel and save code system is a nice quality of life feature. I'm sure some players would like a save file system that writes to the game (or cookies for the browser version) but this save file system works for me as I want to play in browser and I block cookies.
The platforming and the Haunted Hall and Boba minigames were a welcome surprise. Haunted Hall could probably be a game in itself with more levels and other additions. There is a typo in Tonn's dialogue "Try Hauted Hall"
Some things I would like to see in the game, (maybe after full game SS or Endurance modes beaten) an autoplay mode (to enjoy the art to the beat, like Cock Hero. The art is really good by the way,) also the ability to select which cards can show up, and/or a preselect menu to manually select what power-ups happen at what point in the song so the player doesn't need to keep re-rolling. (For before post-game, the reroll mechanic is good though.) That one would have to be after full game SS for game balancing purposes. I also would love to try an all Ritual challenge with being able to manually limit the randomized effects. (Mainly looking for an all negative effects challenge.) I noticed that cards only appear once you beat the song the cards first show up from, is Ritual limited in same way to cards that have been unlocked? I'm also hoping we would get some scenes with the Reaper and woman transmogs with the rest of the characters.
Another suggestion: I found the Yoni's missing parts section confusing and looked literally everywhere. (I'm not even exaggerating. I checked everything in the overworld, inside every tent, every garbage can, every cooler, every chair, and even everywhere inside Haunted Hall and the platforming section.) Now that I know where the parts actually were, it turns out I had them early on. I just never went back to Yoni because I didn't think I had them yet. I recommend having a message in the location where the parts actually are. Something like, "you find some unusual parts." Maybe also show them in an inventory and/or if you picked them up before Yoni asks you, you could respond with something and just hand them to her.
This is one of the most fun rhythm games I've played. Almost as good as some of the major titles out there. Who did the artwork and where can I find more? Are all of the characters created by the same person? Do they have other things out of game? Is there somewhere to go for more comics? A credits section on the main menu answering these questions and whoever did the music (edit: Wishful Simping, I just went to your Youtube Channel, which I only knew about from this comments section, you should also add that in the credits.) would be good.
Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you had fun!
>The save system isn't permanent, and will only exist while the game is in production. I will likely be changing the save system for the final version. Data does save without the code, but it will not transfer between new versions(which is why the code exists).
>I appreciate the typo report. It's tough proof reading sometimes >.<
>Sandbox mode is there so you can watch the animations without the pressure of the game. (Unless you mean something else when you mean "auto play")
>There will be some features I will be looking to add for post-game content. Though exactly what aren't really confirmed yet. There are some neat ideas though.
>Ritual will only pull from available modifiers, yes. So it should not be able to proc anything you have not unlocked.
>There are currently no plans to have transmogs actually have scenes, but if there's enough interest it might be possible.
>I'll take note of the Yoni questline clarity. It's using a pretty outdated system that I should take a look at anyways.
>The credits are in the Project description here on under "SpunkStock Team" along with links to their twitter. Credits in-game would be a good add though, ya. AmHidden did the art for all of the girls, along with their designs.
By "autoplay" I meant showing the beat meter on screen automatically hitting the notes. That would allow for a "hands free" experience allowing you do to some other things with your hands to the beat displayed on screen. You may or may not be familiar with the game "Cock Hero" or "Fap Hero" for the animated version. If you aren't familiar, I highly suggest looking it up. One video should give you the idea of what I am talking about. Most have the rules listed at the beginning of the video. It's a pretty simple concept. With such an autoplay feature, scoring would have to be disabled when it is in use so that players can't use it to cheat.
After finding the Female Transmog scene in the Haunted Hall, I became really curious about any other transmog easter eggs. I'd love to see some of those in the future, I'm surprised more people aren't asking about them ^~^
Amazing game btw, just about to 100% the current public build ;)
I loved this so much I got SS with all the girls, I want a sequel
I lose my save because the new version, there is any way for take my last save code?
Hmm unfortunately on itch's browser version I don't think there is a way to bring the save over if you didn't copy the save code, as the old version is overwritten. If you used the download version last time, the data should transfer automatically though.
I have experienced gamer rage by getting SS on every character.
It was very entertaining, and it has some very nice soundtracks and arts
By the way, great game, I loved it
Awesome Game Man! I just Finished the Whole Game on SS Difficulty. Still need some unlocks tho from the Haunted Hall, but i look forward what will come.
You can redeem coins by talking to Yu. The rewards are cosmetics, clothing options for Yu, or converting to reputation. Glad you enjoyed the game ^^.
Awesome Game! One Question: Do Samga and Faye have endurance modes? I can't seem to find them if they do.
They currently do not, it is not well communicated through the game. In a future build I make sure to mark characters that don't have endurance to help save some of the players time in that regard.
Unfortunately it's one of the reasons I was reluctant to release a Linux version, as I am very unfamiliar with how the operating system works. As a result I'm not able to help with troubleshooting. It bugs me quite a bit. Sorry I can't really help. :(
Just got SS perfect on Yoni's endurance run.
Good game btw. Very fun.
Thanks ^^ Glad you enjoyed, and good job ;)
I love the game and the animations are just ace. Awesome! Also thanks for removing the last gravity bridge, this section was actually nice this time around.
I have a suggestion for the platforming part: higher jumpspeed+higher gravity with maybe gravity manipulation past the jump apex. That would remove the floaty feel from the platforming section. I know fudging the numbers at this point can be risky or impossible but give it a try.
Looking forward to what's to come.
Hmmmm, ya tinkering around with it a bit might help. I'll look into it, and test some stuff out when I get the chance. Thanks for the suggestion ^^.
honestly the rhythm segments are fun but trying to get 100% for the ss rank can be BRUTAL, especially with freya as the whole thing inverts and even if you have perfect rhythm it counts the next note as ok, and the one against the succubus is so fast that it's hard to even get past the first bit without getting an ok, is there any tips on how to get all ss rank?
Faye and Ruth are generally the toughest to SS. The best tip I can give right now is to use Glass, and barrier. That being said a lot of the time the tough part is the section of the song prior to getting any modifiers. SS isn't meant to be something to be attained really easily. (hence why the rewards for such aren't very crucial to the game)
That being said, in v0.10 I am currently working on a system in which you can purchase a "charm" that allows you to start songs with a modifier right out the gate to help give that leeway for the first portion of the song.
that would make that segment SO MUCH EASIER, because i kept getting one hit during a perfect combo at the startand it always caused me to have to restart, even though i had gotten in the rythem itself
Love the concept of the game, and genuinely enjoyed the gameplay. The platforming? It's just.. aggravating. Those gravity bridges took long enough to get past that I simply lost interest in bothering with anything else. If they were easier, it'd be fine. If the difficulty was maintained and you could checkpoint between the three bridges, that'd also be... palatable. But having to jump back onto a previous bridge to quickly flip, while being offbeat and therefore risking missing the flip? It's too time consuming.
Tl;dr, I love the game! My only complaint is the same one as everyone else: fuck the gravity bridges. Keep up the good work!
EDIT: I thought about it for a bit, and also figured I'd add that it feels like the switches on the bridge are just ever so slightly off. I failed quite a few times while learning the bridges due to, for most of the first bridge, hitting the switches as soon as you reach them works and is *almost* on beat. So maybe the spacing could change? I don't know, thats really a grain of salt critique. I could try to elaborate more, but for all I know, it's more of a 'me' problem.
Ya, in v0.8 the last part of the gravity section is completely removed. Should ease things.^^
i love cali's song its absolutly amazing!
Great game and artwork! I am not sure how to unlock Samga and Faye's endurance runs. Are those hidden secret things or not in there yet? Thanks and keep up the great work.
You aren't missing anything. They aren't in the game at the moment. Samga's Endurance will come in the future though. It would be nice to get an endurance for Faye, though I can't say for sure if she will get one atm. Thanks for playing ^^.
may I suggest, more secrets, or puzzles. Not word never word
There will likely be some more secrets and such in the future
what do the eggs near the girls mean
It shows that you have completed all 3 rounds of their endurance. At the moment, completing endurance only furthers progression for a couple characters. (It also implies the girls are "impregnated". However that fact will likely only have an effect on the ending of the full game.)
it seems my bad eyes made me fail. Now it time to wear my glasses of power. Fun game though, is there music hope so
Also any form of lag ends you
If you are asking for the music separately, at the moment we do have a good amount of the OST uploaded onto our Youtube channel.
SpunkStock OST here.
As for the lag, I am doing my best to keep it manageable, but the game is definitely getting to a stage where there is a lot happening in 1 given Hscene for a browser game. The downloaded version should be more forgiving in that reguard.
I have it’s more enjoyable now. Also question how big will the game be
In general there will be about 11 characters in the main public free demo. Once they are out, the game will continue development with 4 more characters(these 4 being quite a bit more in depth, and can be labeled as "boss" characters), along with additional Hscenes for the existing cast.
Exactly how many more Hscenes is still undetermined.
Button no.2 final gravity switch puzzle can suck my butt
Haha, well you will be happy to know that as of v0.8, the final section in the gravity side is actually completely removed.
I am! I love everything but that bit, am too much of a scrub for it.
It'd be fine as an optional, like a corridor to grab an S token from or something. Stumped my progress at an interesting part for now.
Great game so far, what program do you use for the animations?
Thanks! ^^. I use AnyPortrait for the animations. Breaking up the base image, and rigging it.
Didn't even know AnyPortrait existed until now. I figured it was Spine or Dragonbones, I guess I wasn't too far off. Thanks for the quick reply
Love the gameplay, can't wait to see more updates as they come.
Thanks ^^. At the moment updates comes on the first of every month.
Hmm I'm not sure I understand the context.
he is going so fast, that the animation isn’t keeping up. (Degree in broken English translating)
Not a fan of the flipping platforms. There isn't an audio cue and for the life of me, I cannot get past the bars with gravity switches.
like the game but could use a easy /normal/hard setting the first song starts out with way to many rapping clicks for being the first song. kinda makes me think of guitar hero and rock band. but them are a hole lot easier starting at the beginning unlike this. just a suggestion. for people with bad reaction time it would make getting into the game more enjoyable.
fun game. the platforming part moves a touch to fast to be enjoyable. and by a touch i mean irritatingly so. If it takes someone more then 30 minutes to pass a part of an obstacle something is wrong.
As builds come out I'll keep an eye on feedback and plug away with adjustments for the platform part. It will likely see a few changes before the game's completion.
suggest adding some screenshots to this game page. goes a long way to draw attention and people deciding to try it.
You know... I initially thought it wasn't necessary with the game being playable in browser... but thinking on that now... what I thought makes absolutely no sense. I'll add some screen shots when I get the chance here ahaha... Thanks for the suggestion lol.
Whats the point of endurance?
During endurance you can stack cards with multipliers for an efficient way to farm for Reputation for the shop. (It goes through 3 loops stacking all modifiers gained. It is possible you experienced it ending after a single loop which is an uncommon bug which has since been fixed... i believe.)
Completing endurance will also flag the girl as "impregnated" (seen by the white smile by their icon in the menu) . At the moment this flag does nothing, but it will likely have an effect on endings in the full game.
Oh neat! I was thinking it might have a different animated gallery entry or something
Great game so far, the animations are fun to watch :)
I'm just kinda stuck atm, I cleared the part underneath the stage, but I can't find the spare parts Yoni is talking about. What do I miss?
Thanks a bunch! Upon talking to Yoni about it she mentions that she hopes it wasn't thrown in any garbages... maybe her fears are true ;)
This is amazing! The gameplay, artwork and animations are fantastic! Can't wait for the next update! If earlier update dates are something to go off of, it looks like there's just a few days left! :D
Thanks ^^ Yup. v0.6 will feature Ruth, and it is coming on the 1st. Just under a week away
I see a lot of potential in this. The animations are nice, the characters are cute and sexy, the gameplay starts off pretty simple like the goal is to just be a human metronome, but with extra modifiers it can make the rhythm gameplay a lot more complex and challenging but often rewards you with more points to buy pin-ups.... Could use more content obviously, but this is a very nice beginning to a sexy little game here.
Also I just gotta say.... Samga is best girl. This Vitiligo cutie lives rent free in my heart now and she needs more love in this game (I'm mostly referring to how she and Pika do not have Endurance H-Scenes). I was thrilled when I went to the shop and saw basically all the things there were sexy pin-ups of her! Pika is smoking hot as well. The other two are nice but I feel they are more easily outshined imo, plus they need more smut of them in the shop.
Pica and Samga will have endurance modes in the future. There are many more characters to come (actually today's update brought 2 more if your interested in checking that out :P). Thanks for playing ^^ glad you enjoyed.
Great animations and unique mechanics!
Only the blue screen. How do I solve this?
Hmm that's unusual. Only thing I can think of is that the game's state will completely pause while you are clicked out of the game... but if you are definitely in the game, and it does this, then I am not sure. Mind if I asked what browser you are on? (In worst case scenario I would recommend the download version.)
I'm trying to play the H scene, but I can't see the H scene.
Amazing animations and music! Cannot wait for more!
So, the webGL doesn't want to load after launching through the app on pc. Might be an issue on my end, but just so you know.
Hmmm... alright, thanks for letting me know. I'm not too familiar with the actual app, but I will look into it a bit more when I have some time here.
Another update, another perfect SS run, cant wait to see Tori up close and sexual. Keep it up.
Thanks! Yoni's still 1 month away, but it's a fun one :) Hope to see ya then!
it has issues regarding Play speed. it randomly slows down mid-song, etc.. I know it is not computer-related due to trying it on both my laptop (GTX 1660) and my custom-built desktop (RTX 2060) both more than capable of running it.
(edit) I am not sure why, but after I use Cheat-engine to speed the game up and then revert it back to normal speed it fixed it..?
Hmmm... was this on the PC version, or the browser version? I mayyy have some ideas on what it could be, but I haven't heard much of this from others yet. I'll keep note of it though. Thanks for letting me know.
okay, so I think it may have been a separate issue regarding ram, it was the downloaded version. But after i cleared my ram cache, reset computers, etc, I had not had the same issue and could not re-create it, so it may have been a freak coincidence that it happened on both computers.
and my cheat engine is setup to clear ram cache upon start-up so that being the case may have fixed the problem!
Oh strange... well at least it all got worked out ahaha.
how many characters will there be, thi is also a fun game
The exact amount could vary quite a lot depending on how the game develops. This initial vague scope is around 15 characters though. 1 new character will come every month. (Toto will be coming in about 1 week). Thanks for playing :D, and I hope you continue to enjoy it as builds come.
Very fun, i completeted the whole version SS, v.0.3 looks awesome
Hey! Thanks. Good job on SS! v0.3 isn't far off the public launch. Development is going smoothly. Thanks for playing, and I'll see ya on v0.3 ;)
love the game, i truly hope this can be done soon :)
Thank you very much! I'm plugging away at as much as I can :)