May 17th Progress Update! Apparel UI, Pix's upgraded active, and more!

Heyo everyone! In this week I didn't quite get to as much as I was hoping. Implementing the new apparel UI took a bit longer than expected, but that being said, there were some other things covered.

I also want to give a quick reminder that tomorrow is Hentai Expo's stream!

Stream Here!

A new Starbreed trailer will be shown along with many other new and upcoming Hgames! I highly recommend!

Aaannnndd into progress report:

Characters no longer have a "Clothes" option in dialogue. Instead there is a Apparel/Changeroom accessible via the shop. You can change all character appearances in this 1 place. Most options outside of their base clothes require medals from their respective levels. Aim for high scores to unlock appearance customizations.

As seen above Pix's alternate hairstyle was also rigged and added.

On top of that, Pix's upgraded active was implemented. She will now shoot 5 satchels in a "+" formation as opposed to 1. Biiiigg Booms incoming. It will still cost the same amount of Thrust meter to use.

I fixed a couple bugs:

-Locking on in certain areas like the canyon didn't really work. It is fixed now

-Rooster's conversation had weird layering on a couple animations.

That's the quick rundown on this week. The upcoming week is going to primarily be build wrap-up. Connecting all scenes, and getting the game to a proper playing state. I'll catch you all then, thanks!


Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]

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