May 10th Progress Update! New weapon type, Conversations, and Affinity.

Heyo everyone! This weeks progress report has several components, so I'll break it up into bullet points! Let's get right to it!

-All 4 of Pix's conversations have been written. Split by Affinity requirements: Aff: 0, Aff: 25. Aff: 50, Aff: 75

-The rest of the characters have had their 2nd conversations written.

-Made it so conversations now also give a flat +4 affinity to the target character at the end of the conversation.

-Affinity now caps at 49. A planet's 2nd level will be unlocked at this point. Upon completing the 2nd level, affinity cap will be up to 100.

-Added a new Primary Weapon Type. MITE Drones. You spawn these drone by firing your primary fire. They will seek out enemies and detonate on them.  They deal low damage, but can be stacked up while on down-time, making for large initial burst damage, but low  sustainable damage.

-Added an "Events" button. This button is for "extra" Hscenes (Like the one between Rooster and Tanya"). This button will only be visible if there is an event you have not seen. After seeing the event, the Hscene will be available for review via the Hscene room.

-Characters' clothing states will now be saved between scenes, and sessions.

-Added requirements, and interface to swap between Male, and Female Aether. (You start male, but you need 50 Resolve before you can turn to Female Aether (this will likely apply to Hscenes as well). You may go back and forth as much as you like).

-Made it so the Titas boss now plays boss music.

-Fixed some bugs in Titas

-Reduced the amount of vehicles in Titas.

The next week will be focusing on similar things as this week. Going down the list of things that I feel need to be addressed/implemented. This will likely mean some changes to navigating the Hub.

Anyways! I'll catch you all then! Thanks everyone!

Get Starbreed [3D Rail Shooter]

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